Optima Bank is becoming a precious ally in our Association’s fight for the information and awareness of the Public for the issue of voluntarily donation of bone marrow.
Optima Bank, via the Memorandum of Cooperation which, the two parties have signed on Thursday December 22nd 2022, is becoming, through all its branch-offices, a Cooperative Center of “ORAMA ELPIDAS”.
More specific, OTIMA BANK will contribute, through the framework of the project of Corporate Social Responsibility and in recognition of Association’s efforts to increase the number of volunteers of marrow bone in our country, to the spreading and correct information about this sensitive issue, by mobilizing at first stage its personnel for the importance of donation of narrow bone.
The Bank will participate at the same time to collective actions of information with the Association “ORAMA ELPIDAS” while it will develop its communication channels in order to support the voice of the Association by promoting the powerful message “Become a donor of marrow bone. Give hope! Give Life!”.
It should be pointed out that, Optima Bank is the first Bank that signs Memorandum of Cooperation with “ORAMA ELPIDAS”
The President of Optima Bank, Mr. Georgios Taniskidis, declared the following:
“It is a great pleasure for us to announce our participation as a Cooperative Center of Donors of marrow bone to the Association “ORAMA ELPIDAS”. We commit to offer with our participation the maximum of our abilities to the effort of the correct information for the issue of donation and transplantation of narrow bone. It is more than certain that, the increase of the number of volunteers’ number in Greece, is the target of the whole Greek society and for this reason we stand to the side of the Association “ORAMA ELPIDAS” to support with our actions this importantwork”.
The President of the Association “ORAMA ELPIDAS” Mrs. Marianna V. Vardinogiannis declared: “We express our sincere thanks to OPTIMA BANK and to each one of its employees separately who are becoming as of today our precious allays to our work!. They send, with this remarkable action of solidarity a powerful message of humanity and offer these Holy days to our fellow human beings who are in need of transplantation of narrow bone, children and adults. We warmly thank you because you are becoming a precious link to the great chain of love of “ORAMA ELPIDAS”!.
Information for “ORAMA ELPIDAS”
The “Association ORAMA ELPIDAS” was established on 2012. It is a non-profit Organization and consists one more necessary link for the Association of Friends of Children with cancer “ELPIDA” for the children who suffer serious diseases and their families. On 2014 it was materialized the first target of our Association with the operation of the Bank of volunteers donors of marrow bone having as purpose the coverage of patients needs, children and adults, for the transplantation of hematopoietic cells , both in Greece and abroad. It has succeeded until to date to register more than 130.000 volunteers’ donors to the national and Global records out of which 245 have been found compatible and have given transplant to patients of the same number.