The Association “ELPIDA – Association of Friends of Children with cancer” dedicates this year’s “International Childhood Cancer Day” that is honored every year on February 15th, to Marianna V. Vardinoyannis and to her invaluable contribution to the fight against the childhood cancer worldwide.
Having as inspiration the maternity and as target that not even one child should be lost when it could be saved, Marianna V. Vardinoyannis, was a pioneer at the fight against the Childhood cancer, saving through her work, thousand of children’s lives from Greece and abroad.
New ultramodern substructures were established with her initiative in our country for the treatment of the disease and for the psychological support as well of the children and their families and in specific:
- Unit of transplant of bone marrow-1993
The first and sole Unit of transplant of bone marrow (MMMO) for children in our country has been established with the initiative of Marianna V. Vardinoyannis on 1993 at the Children Hospital “Aghia Sofia” of 4 beds capacity in the beginning and presently 18. Over 1.470 transplants have been made from its establishment until to date.
- Oncologic Unit of Children “Marianna V. Vardinoyannis-ELPIDA” – 2010.
Having as pioneer Marianna V. Vardinoyannis and the whole Greek Society at its side, the Oncologic Unit of Children opened on 2010. The Greek State in recognition of Marianna V. Vardinoyannis offer has named the Unit “Oncologic Unit of Children “Marianna V. Vardinoyannis-ELPIDA”
Every year, 300-350 children and teenagers are diagnosed with cancer in our country. The main volume of patients with cancer amounting to an 80% percentage is coming to the Oncologic Unit of Children “Marinna V. Vardinoyannis – ELPIDA” for therapy and children also from many foreign countries such as Bulgaria, Albania, Romania, Palestine, Cyprus etc.
The hospitalization is free of charge for all and is one from the few hospitals in Europe where no waiting list exists while a school is operating into the Oncologic Unit giving the children the feeling that they have future and prospect.
The Oncologic Unit of Children “Marinna V. Vardinoyannis – ELPIDA” is considered one of the most modern in Europe. 3 to 4 children who are under therapy are getting completely well and they can come back to their houses and families healthy.
Within the year 2023, 69 transplants have been made in the Unit of transplant of bone marrow , 4.101 hospitalizations and 16.457 day care hospitalizations giving a total number during the last ten years of 44.877 hospitalizations and 200.407 day care hospitalizations.
- Center of Cellular and Genetically therapy for children and teenagers – 2020.
It is for the first time in Greece and specifically in the Unit of transplant of bone marrow of the Oncologic Unit of Children “Marinna V. Vardinoyannis – ELPIDA” that it has been established the Center of Cellular and Genetically therapy with target the effective handling of these casesfor whichthe conventional therapies have no results. The Center of Cellular and Genetically therapy, a donation of the Association “ELPIDA”, is a milestone for the history of health in our country. It is the sole Center of Cellular and Genetically Therapy in Greece recognized from the National Organization of Medicines. A number of 19 successful cellular therapies have been made until to date and the first in our country cellular therapy with G-modified cells.
- Gust House “ELPIDA” – 1999
More than 2.500 families from the country side and abroad have been accommodated at the Guest House “ELPIDA” which has been opened from Mrs. Marianna V. Vardinoyannis on 1999. The hospitality in the Guest House “ELPIDA” which is very close to the Oncological Unit of Children “Marianna V. Vardinoyannis-ELPIDA”, is totally free of charge and lasts for the whole period that, the patient’s therapy lasts.
- Social Service and Social Fund of ELPIDA
The target of Marianna V. Vardinoyannis was always the full in all respects support of the children with cancer and their families and she has establsihed, for this reason, the Social Service and Social Fund of ELPIDA for the psychological and financial support of the children with cancer and their families.
“With faith to the orama of our Founder, Marianna V. Vardinoyannis, we continue with full strength our work with target, 4 to 4 children with cancer to get completely well” declared the President of the Association “ELPIDA – Association of Friends of Children with cancer” Christianna V. Vardinoyannis on the occasion of the “International Children Cancer Day”.