With an emblematic ceremony at the seat of Organization in Paris, in the presence of the First Lady of the Republic of France, Mrs. Brigitte Macron and leading personalities all over the world, UNESCO has honored the 25 years of offer of the Ambassador of Good Will of UNESCO, Mrs. Marianna V. Vardinoyannis on Friday, June 16th 2023.
This honorary ceremony has been made on the initiative of the General Directress of the Organization, Mrs. Audrey Azoulay in the full of people amphitheater of UNESCO and in the presence of the wife of the President of New Democracy, Mrs. Mareva Mitsotakis, the Ambassador of Greece in UNESCO, Mrs. Maria Diamantopoulou, the President of the Executive Committee pf UNESCO, Mrs. Tamara Rastovac Siamashvilli, the Deputy General Directors of the Organization, Ambassadors of Good Will of the Organization from all around the world with whom, Mrs. Vardinogiannis cooperates 25 years now , famous artists such as Jean-Michel Jarre and Nana Mouschouri and members of Mrs. Vardinoyannis family.
At the beginning of the event, it was projected a moving video with the humanitarian work of Mrs. Vardinoyannis from 1999 when she was declared as Ambassador of Good Will until to date and after that, the General Directress of UNESCO, Mrs. Azoulay took the floor and has spoken for the considerable contribution of Mrs. Vardinoyannis in the building of a better world making a special reference to Nelson Mandela prize awarded to her on 2020 from the United Nations:
“I am really very happy that we are here today to celebrate a very important fact: the awarding of Nelson Mandela 2020 Prize from the United Nations to Marianna V. Vardinoyannis. A special distinction that is awarded from the United Nations every five years to honor for their enormous offer personalities from all around the world. My belief is that, no one could be more worthy of this distinction than Marianna V. Vardinoyannis who belongs to UNESCO’s family for 25 year now!. There are very few personalities worldwide that could bring near the civil society the artists, scientists, entities and governments as you have done. What I have realized during my service is that, you can move even a mountain for the common good! You are distinguished for your passion, dedication and generosity. You are a woman with a name same with that of “ELPIDA” as it is the name of the Organization that you have established. You have dedicated your life to the vulnerable people and especially to the children in need of support.
You have offered an enormous work at the sector of education, human rights, world civilization and to your country’s civilization”.
A special moving moment was when Mrs. Azoulay has thanked Mrs. Vardinoyannis for her offer in the Greek language on behalf of UNESCO.
Speaking with a very personal expression and obviously touched, Mrs. Macron said for her friendship with Marianna V. Vardinoyannis emphasizing her important work and her unique ability “to make life more beautiful” as she characteristically said: “We met with Marianna during an official State visit and it is very rare to make friendships in such cases but this happened to me with Marianna! A friendship that it was nearly spontaneously created with often contacts, letters, telephone calls or with personal contacts. I will never forget my visit with Mrs. Mitsotakis when I was in Greece to the Oncologic Unit of Children “Marianna V. Vardinoyannis-ELPIDA”. It was a breathtaking experience. We saw that everything had been designed for the children and about the children and there was finally a place (in Greece) to be healed the children’s cancer and all the children of Greece suffering from cancer. It was a very touching for me moment. Marianna’s life is a life for the support of other people. And this is an example in such violent moments as those we live now all around the world. You are a light for us, for me Mariana and you know it. And you have also very close bonds with France. When the President was informed that you are coming here he told me “Give a kiss to her from me”!I also know that, she has in her heart the children that are under therapy, the vulnerable children, the teenagers and she knows that she can count on me and on us. We love you and your friendship – as we talk on first names basis- is precious and when in difficult moments I hear your voice on the phone things are becoming easier because you have the ability to make life more beautiful. Thank you Marianna!”.
Mrs. Mitsotakis said that, Mrs. Vardinoyannis makes the world better with her work: “I would like to address my sincere congratulations to Mariana Vardinogiannis. Her exceptional work has an enormous impact on the society and makes us extremely proud!. We would like to thank you Marianna for your commitment and your tremendous contribution in the support of children with cancer. I would like to finish with a phrase of Nelson Mandela: “We can change the world and make a better would. It lies in your hands to make the difference”. And you, my dear friend, have certainly contributed to the improvement of the world. Thank you from me and from all of us”.
The Ambassador of Greece in UNESCO, Mrs. Maria Diamantopoulou has in details spoken for the worldwide recognized work of Mrs. Vardinoyannis: “The work of Mrs. Vardinoyannis is not in need of any recommendations. She is known all over the world for her commitment for the improvement of life and our children’s prosperity via “ELPIDA” and for her actions via “Marianna V. Vardinoyannis Foundation” while as an Ambassador of Good Will of UNESCO has promoted the access in education, has vigorously worked for the defense of human rights all over the world and has set the foundations for the sustainable development globally. Mrs. Vardinoyannis has furthermore promoted UNESCO ideals in Greece with her active participation at the last initiatives of UNESCO at the sectors of Open Science and Artificial Intelligence by organizing for this purpose awareness raising actions in Greece. Dear Marianna, Nelson Mandela had a vision to change the lives of people, to transform mentalities and behaviors by embracing the diversity and you have corresponded to the extreme at his words and believes and that’s why we respect, admire and thank you for all”!.
Mrs. Vardinoyannis, greatly affected, was stepped on the stage and thanked for the great honor while the audience was standing ovation: “Today is one of the most important moments of my life. I am so touched that is difficult to find the appropriate words. I would like to thank from the depth of my heart the General Directress of UNESCO, Mrs. Audrey Azoulay for this great honor. Her work and vision for the world is a real inspiration for me!. I would like also to warmly thank the First Lady of the French Republic, Mrs. Brigitte Macron for being here today. She is a worldwide example of kindness and offer, a woman-symbol for me and the whole world. Our friendship is a treasure. I warmly thank also Mrs. Mareva Mitsotakis for being here and her wonderful words for our beloved country. A great thank to all my colleagues, Ambassadors of Good Will and the whole family of UNESCO for this twenty five years journey for a better world. From the depth of my heart, Thank you!”
The Philharmonic Orchestra of UNESCO under the famous conductor and “Artist for the Peace” Amine Kouider, has thereafter performed a special program titled “The miracles of the Hellenic music” to the honor of Marianna V. Vardinoyannis inspired from the Greek Mythology and Arias that had been performed from Maria Callas and now from the Greek origin soprano, Mrs. Charlotte Panouklia.
Right after it was held a formal dinner at the Historical Museum Hotel de la Marine at Place de la Concorde. This specific building is one of the most important Museums of Paris and it is given only for special occasions.