The magical presentation of Haute Couture Collection of the top Greek designer, Vassilis Zoulias for the Winter 2022-2023 took place under the shadow of the Holy Rock of Acropolis at Dionysiou Areopagitou street on Monday June 20th 2022 in support of the purposes of ELPIDA Youth Committee of “ELPIDA- Association of Friends of Children with cancer”.
The President of the Committee ELPIDA Youth, Mrs. Marianna Lemos, has expressed her sincere thanks at the time of the opening of the show to the designer and all the present in it people on behalf of the President of the Association, Mrs. Marianna Vardinoyannis : “I would like to thank all of you that you came this night to support “ELPIDA” and our children!. Sincere thanks on behalf of our President, Mrs. Marianna Vardinoyannis to all of you and Mr. Vassilis Zoulias of course for what you have done today for “ELIDA”.
The spectators were impressed from the unique atmosphere, the elegant creations of Vassilis Zoulias and the original jewels of Periklis Kondylatos inspired from the ancient years.
The most emotional moment of the night was, when five from the thousands of the healed children of “ELPIDA” holding the hand of Mrs. Mariana Lemos, appeared before the spectators to send a strong message against the children cancer.
It must be noted that, the Haute Couture Collection of Vassilis Zoulias for the Winter 2022-2023 was exclusively in Black and White made from precious materials such as taffeta and silk inspired from the descriptions of the famous author, Truman Capote for the muses of the high Society of 1950 Decade. Special guest was Arianna Rockefeller, the granddaughter of Peggy and David Rockefeller and member of David Rockefeller Fund Board of Directors.
There were also present in the event the A’ Vice-President of Committee ELPIDA Youth of “ELPIDA- Association of Friends of Children with cancer”, Mrs. Alexia Antsakli-Vardinoyanni, the Secretary General of ELPIDA, Mrs. Tzortzina Ellina, the Secretary General of the Association “Association ORAMA ELPIDAS” Mrs. Ino Konstantopoulou, the Board of Directors members and Advisory Committee “ELPIDA” Mrs. Dora Psaltopoulou-Dimopoulou, Melina Daskalaki, Zetta Antsakli, Rita Pikrou-Moraitaki, the members of “ELPIDA YOUTH”, Emily Vafia, Tonia Vasilopoulou and members also of Association “ELPIDA” who were present to support “ELPIDA” children.
A cocktail was followed after the event in Dionysos Zonar’s.
Special thanks on behalf of the Association “ELPIDA” to Mrs. Tonia Fouseki and Athens Xclusive Designers Work for the organization and to Mrs. Bobou, Elena and Fay Barbalia for the kind offer of the building at Dionysiou Areopagitou Street facilitating the conduct of event.
The Association “ELPIDA” expresses also its sincere thanks to the Ministry of Culture and the General Directorate of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage, Ephorate of Antiquities of the City of Athens, the Athens Municipality and Athens Municipal Police.
Part of the proceeds of the event will be given for the support of the purposes of Committee ELPIDA Youth of “ELPIDA- Association of Friends of Children with cancer”.
It should be noted that, the mission of ELPIDA Youth, a Committee of “ELPIDA-Association of Friends of Children with cancer” is the awareness and activation relating with the psychological care of the children suffering from neoplastic diseases. It was established in the summer of 2015 from a group of young in age members of “ELPIDA” who their ambition is to build up on its strong orama with new ideas and actions but with the same always love for the children and their families.