Mrs Arianna Rockefeller, the granddaughter of the Philhellene business tycoon David Rockefeller, a known philanthropist herself and fashion designer, visited the “Marianna V. Vardinoyannis – ELPIDA” Children’s Oncology Unit, on Tuesday, 4 February 2020.
Mrs Rockefeller was welcomed by the President of the Association of Friends of Children with Cancer “ELPIDA” Marianna V. Vardinoyannis, the Director of the “P&A Kyriakou” and “Agia Sofia” Children’s Hospitals, Manolis Papasavvas and the members of the Boards of the ELPIDA and ORAMA ELPIDAS Associations.
In her welcome speech towards Mrs Rockefeller, Mrs Vardinoyannis thanked her for her initiative to be there for the children of “ELPIDA” during her visit to Greece, noting the great importance of such a visit: “I feel truly proud to be welcoming here today a great philanthropist and descendant of such a distinguished family, a family which has contributed to our cultural heritage over a span of many decades. We will never forget their invaluable support in more archaeological excavations or the scholarships they so generously offered for the education of archaeologists. Arianna Rockefeller is here with us today with her heart full of love for our children, and I would like to sincerely thank her! Her kindness is a true support for the children of our Hospital”.
At the same time, Mrs Vardinoyannis briefed Mrs Rockefeller in detail about the 30 years of the ELPIDA Association’s contribution, the 20 years of operation of the ELPIDA Guest House and the 10 years of operation of the Oncology Hospital.
As a token of her gratitude for Mrs Rockefeller for her visit and support for the work of ELPIDA, Mrs Vardinoyannis awarded her the Honorary Plaque of the Association.
Mrs Rockefeller, visibly moved, accepted the Honorary Plaque from Mrs Vardinoyannis, remarking that the most important things in life are faith and hope, and that we can find both at the Oncology Hospital. “I would also like on my part to express my great appreciation for the Greeks. I think the work done here is very important for international solidarity and unity and it helps to bring us all together for the children,” said Mrs Rockefeller, who in turn offered Mrs Vardinoyannis a book of particular sentimental value for the Rockefeller family.
After that, Mrs Vardinoyannis and Mrs Rockefeller placed the Star with the name of Mrs Rockefeller on the “ELPIDA Wall of Stars” as a reminder of her support and contribution to the work of the Association.