“MARIANNA V. VARDINOYANNIS FOUNDATION” and the Association “ELPIDA- Association of Friends of Children with cancer”, having jointly acting and on the initiative of their President, Mrs. Marianna V. Vardinoyannis, have opened a hug of love and solidarity for hundredths of our fellow human beings during the Holy Days of Easter time.
As it is the custom every year, “parcels of love” with items of first need, goods for the Easter table and fuels were sent to Municipalities, Bishoprics, bodies and fellow human beings in need of our support.
More specific, goods for the Easter table and items of first need were sent to the Holy Bishopric of Nikea distributed to thousands of poor families from His Very Reverend, The Bishop of Nikea Mr. Alexios. The Father, Georgios Zorzos, representing the Very Reverend, The Bishop of Nikea declared that: “The love of His Very reverend is the one that supports, the humanitarian work that takes place throughout the year in the Holy Bishopric of Nikea which has been recognized from Mrs. Marianna V. Vardinoyannis who is standing, for many years now, next to us and we thank her for that”
Flues were sent to the Holy Bishopric of Lampi, Syvritos and Sfakia for the vehicles used for the daily distribution of food to our disadvantaged human beings in 85 mountainous villages of Aghios Vasileios and Amarios municipalities while long lasting food, first need items and hygienic items for hundredths of children who, this body supports, were sent to the “ SOS Children Villages”.
Parcels with gods and long lasting food for the Easter table were sent to Kifisia Municipality for the support of the vulnerable families of the area.
The Mayor of Kifisia Mr. Georgios Thomakos, stated, on the grounds of the parcels delivery that: “The great offer of Mrs. Vardinoyannis brings us today here to serve the good which, in turn serves the social coherence. Thank you very much.
The Deputy Mayor of Kifisia Municipality, Mrs Nina Vlachou, emphasized that: “Consistency, continuity and stability are the three ideals that, Mrs. Marianna Vardinoyannis serves, the woman who for 14 years now stands to our side for the vulnerable groups of our Municipality”.