The Association “ELPIDA-Association of Friends of Children with cancer” is inviting all of us to share these Christmas the love, offering hope to the children with cancer and to their families.
With a click only to choose the gifts for your beloved persons supporting in this way the purposes of our Association which is standing for 30 years now next to the children with cancer.
To our renewed e-shop, you can find the charm of “ELPIDA” for the year 2022 which has been designed from the B’ Vice-President of the Association and the well-known jewels designer, Mrs. Marianna Lemos. “The charm of ELPIDA” for the year 2022 is circulating to four original colors (gold, blue, green, red) and in various applications (necklace, earrings, bracelet, keychain, table charm).
At the same time you can also find to e-shop a great variety of original accessories and gifts that could be personalized with the names of your beloved persons.
The wonderful paintings of “ELPIDA Junior” children into frames is the most optimistic message for this year’s holidays while the Diary “The little BIG heroes of ELPIDA” with the paintings of our little fighters is a special symbolic gift for the strength which all of us hide inside us.
The e-shop is one of the programs of the Association being an initiative of the new generation of “ELPIDA” having as head Mrs. Marianna Lemos in cooperation with the members: Nasia Thanopoulou, Katerina Dafermou-Skrivanou, Varvara Voukaki-Fytrou, Mania Ntelou, Alexandra Tsavliri, Emily Vafeia, Eirini Vasilopoulou and Katerina Tsaga-Kefalogianni under the supervision of the Association’s Secretary General, Mrs. Georgina Ellina.
The e-shop income from the sales will be wholly disposed for the achievement of the Association’s targets “ELPIDA- Association of Friends of Children with cancer”.
FACEBOOK PAGE: @ELPIDAAssociationEShop INSTAGRAM PAGE: @elpida_eshop και HASHTAG: #elpidashareslove